Blueprint for Success: Implementing a CTEM Operation
The attack surface isn’t what it once was and it’s becoming a nightmare to protect. A constantly expanding and evolving attack surface means risk to t...

Surviving LockBit Lessons from a Ransomware Attack

On April 13, 2023, we were hit hard. The University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (UHSP) faced a serious adversary: The notorious LockBit ransomware...

Return of the RCE: Addressing the regreSSHion Vulnerability – CVE-2024-6387

A Regrettable Resurgence On July 1, 2024, the Qualys Threat Research Unit (TRU) published their discovery of an unauthenticated remote code executio...

Zero footprint attacks: 3 steps to bypass EDR with reflective loading

EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) evasion techniques are becoming increasingly common amongst attackers as they evolve their strategies to bypass ...

Fundamentals of Cloud Security Stress Testing

“Defenders think in lists, attackers think in graphs” said John Lambert from Microsoft, distilling the fundamental difference in mindset between those...

Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report: Key insights

The 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) is out, providing an in-depth look at the latest trends in cybersecurity. This year's findings revea...
2024 State of Pentesting Survey

Pentera’s 2024 report reveals hundreds of security events per week, highlighting the criticality of continuous validation

Over the past two years, a shocking 51% of organizations surveyed in a leading industry report have been compromised by a cyberattack. Yes, over half....

Managing the Financial Industry’s Attack Surface

The financial services industry has always been at the forefront of technology adoption, but the 2020 pandemic accelerated the widespread use of mobil...

Tackling Cloud Security Challenges

As much as we love the cloud, we fear it as well. We love it because cloud computing services of Amazon, Azure, and Google have transformed operati...
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Why Automated Pentesting is on the Rise
As people, we make do with what we have, but once a better tool is within our reach we adopt it without looking back. For centuries we had no flowin...

Create Stronger Passwords with These 5 Tips

Would you believe if I told you that you 81% of data breaches worldwide are caused by hacked passwords? This statistic provided by Verizon Data Brea...

Top Ingredients for a Winning Startup

“He shoots, he scores!” I still hear the sports announcer’s excitement coming across the loudspeaker -- in my high school basketball court days. ...

Comparing Cyber Warfare to Chess Strategies

In cyber warfare, like in chess, the game outcome is not determined by a single exploit (or move), but rather by a patient silent-predator strategy....
Reasons for Choosing Automated Penetration Testing
I’m one of those managers who can’t sit in the office for more than a few days. I travel the world and constantly meet with customers, partners and ...