About Attack Surface Monitoring

Stay ahead of cyber threats with continuous attack surface monitoring.

Discover how real-time scanning identifies and mitigates potential security risks.

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Techniques for Bypassing Air-Gapped Networks

In order to protect an organization’s critical assets from Internet access, IT teams often create isolated or ‘air-gapped’ networks. These networks ...

WiFi, the untested attack surface

Much of a company’s assets are connected to Wi-Fi networks. However, security teams are often less likely to validate these networks. This pushed us...

Importance of External Attack Surface Management

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) tools are not new, but only this year has Gartner named this category as a top trend to keep an eye on in ...
4 steps

4 steps to knowing your exploitable attack surface

Originally published on Dark Reading. According to a Cisco CISO Benchmark survey, 17% of organizations had 100,000 or more daily security al...

Correcting Common Firewall Misconfigurations

  Network misconfigurations take on many types and forms, and come about for many different reasons. Many of them stem from blind adhere...

Preventing DHCP Spoofing Attacks

DHCP is an essential Windows networking protocol and a favorite among network admins. Let’s go over the basics of DHCP allocation and review common ...

Best Practices for Cybersecurity Hygiene

CEOs cite cybersecurity as the biggest threat to the world economy and as a result, the global spend in cybersecurity is expected to surpass $1 tril...
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